crisis management and operations software


Uniting the players in critical operations

The Delta Suite has been developed in line with the needs expressed by operational staff. In this way, the Human Machine Interfaces are adapted to outdoor use in degraded conditions, but also to use in a command or supervision center, or even in an aircraft or a ship.

Circulate essential information

The Delta Suite is a tool for combining geolocated information with data from a variety of sensors, then sharing it with the community of people involved in an operation, thanks to advanced communication capabilities.

Adapting to intervention professions

Delta Suite consists of a main base, enhanced by business modules, which can be divided into a set of coherent, interoperable versions tailored to the needs of professionals.

Why choose Impact ?

Modular software

that can be adapted as closely as possible to your needs

French product

supported by the French State

Multi-support software

Windows and Android

Used in real-life conditions

since many years

Modular software

that can be adapted to your needs

French product

supported by the French State

Multi-support software

Windows and Android

Used in real-life conditions

since many years

We are

a French SME based in Orléans (France). Since 2012, we’ve been proposing DELTA SUITE software, designed for combat and intervention.


Our experience in the world of armed forces and software development has resulted in a strong identity…somewhere between computer coding enthusiasts and men and women in uniform: military, police, gendarms, firefighters.

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